1 Plastic Collection

The first step is the collection of plastic waste. This can be done through ocean plastic collection, curbside recycling programs, drop-off recycling centers, or commercial and industrial collection systems. Plastic waste may include items like bottles, containers, packaging, and other discarded plastic products.

2 Sorting

After collection, the plastic waste is sorted based on its resin type. Different types of plastics have different properties and recycling requirements, so sorting is essential to ensure the right materials are used for reprocessing.

3 Cleaning Waste

The sorted plastic is then thoroughly cleaned to remove any contaminants, such as dirt, labels, and residual contents. The cleaning process may involve washing, shredding, and rinsing the plastic waste.

4 Shredding

Once cleaned, the plastic is shredded into small pieces or flakes. Shredding increases the surface area of the plastic, making it easier to melt and process.

5 Melting and Extrusion

The shredded plastic is then melted and formed into pellets or granules through a process called extrusion. During extrusion, the molten plastic is forced through a die to create the desired shape. The resulting plastic pellets are the recycled plastic material ready for use in various applications.

6 Manufacturing

The recycled plastic pellets is used in various manufacturing processes, such as injection molding, blow molding, or extrusion, to create a wide range of our products, including recycled plastic clothe hangers, shoe containers, kitchen organizers, and other plastic products.